Tiru's Thesis

I have been given the chance to work with a graduate student animator on his thesis this quarter.  I will be the prop modeler, making the environment of the movie more visually complex.  The inspiration for my work comes from origami which is the main theme of the film.  In this post is a link to the blog page for his projects blog site.


Clients Project Description:
                  For this project, Tiru has created a interesting love story as a computer generated animation.  He has used elements of an educational setting and origami to tell the story of a boy who finds love and then lost in his own imagination looses it.  This project is Tiru’s thesis from his masters in fine arts.

Client Information:

Tirumalaimuttu Shanmugam
Email: txs9535@rit.edu

Our Team:

Tirumalaimuttu Shanmugam
Email: txs9535@rit.edu

Prop Modeler:

Dan Pise

Blog Site: http://danielpise.blogspot.com/
Email: djp9356@rit.edu                  
Phone: (973)349-2916

My Understanding:
                  I will be creating props and environmental elements to give the different shots in the animation visual complexity.  Creating the style for the classroom and the dream sequence have been based on origami.  I will be responsible for modeling furniture, school supplies, origami paper sculptures, and other background objects.  I will also be laying out the UVs for all of these pieces.

Asset List:

·       Desk
·       Chair
·       Book(Open/Closed)
·       Notebook
·       Pencil
·       Origami Birds
·       Origami Flower
·       Clock
·       Chalkboard
·       Cork Board
·       Teachers Desk
·       Teachers Chair
·       Ceiling Fan
·       Broom
·       Folder
·       Eraser

Rough Timeline:
January: 9th
            - Finish sketches and show them to Tiru for final tweaks
                  - Start Modeling
 - Update Blog

January: 16th
- Model Props in order as they come in the animation (Get as many done as possible)
- Show Tiru progress ask for critiques
- Update Blog
January: 23th
- Model Props in order as they come in the animation (Almost Done)
- Show Tiru progress ask for critiques
- Update Blog
January: 30th
- Finish Modeling Props in order as they come in the animation (Final Tweaks)
- Show Tiru progress ask for critiques
- Update Blog
February: 6th
- Arrange UVs on the Props in order as they come in the animation
- Show Tiru progress ask for critiques
- Update Blog
February: 13th
- Arrange UVs on the Props in order as they come in the animation (Almost Done)
- Show Tiru progress ask for critiques
- Update Blog
February: 20th
- Finish Arranging UVs on the Props in order as they come in the animation (Final Tweaks)
- Show Tiru progress ask for critiques
- Update Blog
February: 27th
- Bring finished package to Tiru
- Possibly start texturing the props
- Update Blog


Reference Photos:

January 16, 2013 Update:

I have been modeling the geometry and am nearly done.  I have also begun to lay out the UVs for some of the bigger pieces of geometry.  I have taken some screen captures and have one turntable here that will demonstrate how I will be showing my work to the director.





January 23, 2013 Update:

Here are the rest od the models that I have modele and will be sending to Tiru as soon as possible.  Here are some more screen captures of the work I have done and the direction I am going.



Chalk Board:


January 31, 2013 Update:

I am almost done UVing the props that I have done and am almost done with all of the modeling.  I'm hoping to have turntables up here by next week.








February 13, 2013 Update:

Only four assets left!  Here are the screen shots of what I have been working on. In addition to this I had to go back and clean up some of the geometry with to many vertices.  So here are the new screen shots:



Teachers Desk: 

Cork Board: